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AFS - Annual Audited Financial Statements


BLI - Budget Line Item (in LOCCS)


BOSS - Budget Outlay Support System


CBD - Commerce Business Daily


CFFP - Capital Fund Financing Program


CFP - Capital Fund Program


CPU - Cost Per Unit  (Total Cost/Number of Units)


DARTS - Departmental Accounts Receivable Tracking/Collection System


DCR - Debt Coverage Ratio (NOI/Hard Debt)


DSCR - Debt Service Coverage Ratio


DUNS - Dun and Bradstreet Numbering System


EGI - Effective Gross Income (GPR - Vacancy Loss + Other Income = EGI)


FY - Fiscal year


IBS - Integrated Business System


IRR - Internal Rate of Return


NOI - Net Operating Income (EGI - Operating Expenses = NOI)


NPV - Net Present Value


PFS - Pre-Foreclosure sale (REO program)


PHA - Public Housing Authority


PV - Present Value


Mortgage: Acronyms


ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act


BEDI - Brownfields Economic Development Initiative. Grants, connected with 108 guaranteed loans

           to improve security of viability of projects


BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor


BRI - Brownfields Redevelopment Initiative. Interagency initiative addressing financial and legal       

         risks of brownfield clean-up and redevelopment


Budget Authority - Legal authority to enter into financial obligations


CDBG - Community Development Block Grant (CPD program)


CEF - Community Empowerment Fund; administered by CPD


CFCF - Capital Fund Education and Training Community Facilities


CFO - Chief Financial Officer (HUD Office of)


CFR - Code of Federal Regulations


CHAS - Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy


CHDO - Community Housing Development Organization. Nonprofit housing provider receiving

               minimum of 15% of HOME Investment Partnership funds


CIO - Chief Information Officer (HUD Office of)


CITI - Correcting Incorrect Tenant Identifiers


CMHI - Cooperative Management Housing Insurance Fund. One of four FHA funds


CoC - Continuum of Care approach to assistance to the homeless


COCC - Central Office Cost Center


Continuum of Care - Federal program stressing permanent solutions to homelessness


COE - Army Corps of Engineers


Con Plan - Consolidated Plan; a locally developed plan for housing assistance and urban

                  development under the Community Development Block Grant and other CPD programs


Contract Authority - Statutory authority. Budget authority permitting contracting or obligations prior 

                                   to an appropriation for payment


CPD - Community Planning and Development (HUD Office of)


CSI - Community Strategies Institute


DAP - Down payment Assistance Program (FHA - Single Family Housing) or Development

           Application Processing (FHA - Multifamily Housing)


Data Warehouse - Information system storing HUD program and operational data


Davis Bacon - Statutory requirement that persons working on federally assisted projects be paid at

                         least minimum prevailing wage rates


DEC - Departmental Enforcement Center


DHAP - Disaster Housing Assistance Program (HCV Program)


DOT - Declaration of Trust


EA - Environmental Assessment. Analysis to determine the affect of a project on the environment.

        May lead to an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)


EC - Enterprise Community or Enforcement Center (formally called Departmental Enforcement



EDA - Economic Development Administration (part of Dept. of Commerce)


EDI - Economic Development Initiative (CPD program)


EDSS - Economic Development and Supportive Services (CPD program)


EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity


EIV - Enterprise Income Verification


EMAD - Economic and Market Analysis Division


EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


EZ - Empowerment Zone


FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation


FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Administration


FERA - Front-End Risk Assessments (FERAs) are documented reviews by management of a

            component's susceptibility to waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement. FERAs are

            conducted on new or substantially revised programs or administrative functions


FHA - Federal Housing Administration (HUD Office of Housing)


FHIP - Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHEO program). Program to assist state/local government,

           community groups and housing resource boards to combat housing discrimination


FHLMC - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. Federally chartered stockholder owned

                corporation supporting secondary market for conventional mortgages


FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association. Federally chartered, stockholder owned

              corporation supporting secondary market for FHA, VA and conventional mortgages


FOIA - Freedom of Information Act


Ginnie Mae - (HUD) Government National Mortgage Association


GIS - Geographic Information System


HARP - Home Affordable Refinance Program


HOPE VI - Program for Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing (PIH program)


HUD - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


MBA - Mortgage Bankers Association


MBE - Minority Business Enterprise


MBS - Mortgage-Backed Securities (for secondary market issued by Ginnie Mae)


MDDR - Multifamily Delinquency and Default Reporting


MHA - Making Home Affordable


REO - Real estate owned (in reference to defaulted FHA-insured properties)


USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture


VA - Veterans Affairs (U.S. Department of)


Commercial: Acronyms

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Florida Licensed Mortgage Brokerage| NMLS # 1787779   

Licensed in: FL, CO, AL



Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commitment to make a loan. Loans offered are subject to borrower qualifications, which include factors such as income, property evaluation, sufficient equity in the home to meet Loan-to-Value requirements, and final credit approval. Loan approvals are contingent upon adherence to underwriting guidelines, prevailing interest rates, and program guidelines set by the lenders with whom we collaborate. These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice based on the applicant's eligibility and prevailing market conditions. 

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