AFS - Annual Audited Financial Statements
BLI - Budget Line Item (in LOCCS)
BOSS - Budget Outlay Support System
CBD - Commerce Business Daily
CFFP - Capital Fund Financing Program
CFP - Capital Fund Program
CPU - Cost Per Unit (Total Cost/Number of Units)
DARTS - Departmental Accounts Receivable Tracking/Collection System
DCR - Debt Coverage Ratio (NOI/Hard Debt)
DSCR - Debt Service Coverage Ratio
DUNS - Dun and Bradstreet Numbering System
EGI - Effective Gross Income (GPR - Vacancy Loss + Other Income = EGI)
FY - Fiscal year
IBS - Integrated Business System
IRR - Internal Rate of Return
NOI - Net Operating Income (EGI - Operating Expenses = NOI)
NPV - Net Present Value
PFS - Pre-Foreclosure sale (REO program)
PHA - Public Housing Authority
PV - Present Value
Mortgage: Acronyms
ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
BEDI - Brownfields Economic Development Initiative. Grants, connected with 108 guaranteed loans
to improve security of viability of projects
BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor
BRI - Brownfields Redevelopment Initiative. Interagency initiative addressing financial and legal
risks of brownfield clean-up and redevelopment
Budget Authority - Legal authority to enter into financial obligations
CDBG - Community Development Block Grant (CPD program)
CEF - Community Empowerment Fund; administered by CPD
CFCF - Capital Fund Education and Training Community Facilities
CFO - Chief Financial Officer (HUD Office of)
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
CHAS - Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy
CHDO - Community Housing Development Organization. Nonprofit housing provider receiving
minimum of 15% of HOME Investment Partnership funds
CIO - Chief Information Officer (HUD Office of)
CITI - Correcting Incorrect Tenant Identifiers
CMHI - Cooperative Management Housing Insurance Fund. One of four FHA funds
CoC - Continuum of Care approach to assistance to the homeless
COCC - Central Office Cost Center
Continuum of Care - Federal program stressing permanent solutions to homelessness
COE - Army Corps of Engineers
Con Plan - Consolidated Plan; a locally developed plan for housing assistance and urban
development under the Community Development Block Grant and other CPD programs
Contract Authority - Statutory authority. Budget authority permitting contracting or obligations prior
to an appropriation for payment
CPD - Community Planning and Development (HUD Office of)
CSI - Community Strategies Institute
DAP - Down payment Assistance Program (FHA - Single Family Housing) or Development
Application Processing (FHA - Multifamily Housing)
Data Warehouse - Information system storing HUD program and operational data
Davis Bacon - Statutory requirement that persons working on federally assisted projects be paid at
least minimum prevailing wage rates
DEC - Departmental Enforcement Center
DHAP - Disaster Housing Assistance Program (HCV Program)
DOT - Declaration of Trust
EA - Environmental Assessment. Analysis to determine the affect of a project on the environment.
May lead to an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
EC - Enterprise Community or Enforcement Center (formally called Departmental Enforcement
EDA - Economic Development Administration (part of Dept. of Commerce)
EDI - Economic Development Initiative (CPD program)
EDSS - Economic Development and Supportive Services (CPD program)
EEO - Equal Employment Opportunity
EIV - Enterprise Income Verification
EMAD - Economic and Market Analysis Division
EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EZ - Empowerment Zone
FAR - Federal Acquisition Regulation
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Administration
FERA - Front-End Risk Assessments (FERAs) are documented reviews by management of a
component's susceptibility to waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement. FERAs are
conducted on new or substantially revised programs or administrative functions
FHA - Federal Housing Administration (HUD Office of Housing)
FHIP - Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHEO program). Program to assist state/local government,
community groups and housing resource boards to combat housing discrimination
FHLMC - Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. Federally chartered stockholder owned
corporation supporting secondary market for conventional mortgages
FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association. Federally chartered, stockholder owned
corporation supporting secondary market for FHA, VA and conventional mortgages
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act
Ginnie Mae - (HUD) Government National Mortgage Association
GIS - Geographic Information System
HARP - Home Affordable Refinance Program
HOPE VI - Program for Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing (PIH program)
HUD - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
MBA - Mortgage Bankers Association
MBE - Minority Business Enterprise
MBS - Mortgage-Backed Securities (for secondary market issued by Ginnie Mae)
MDDR - Multifamily Delinquency and Default Reporting
MHA - Making Home Affordable
REO - Real estate owned (in reference to defaulted FHA-insured properties)
USDA - U.S. Department of Agriculture
VA - Veterans Affairs (U.S. Department of)